There is now parity with Warcraft 3 DotA and Dota 2!

Pitlord (renamed as Underlord) has been added to Dota 2.
Neither myth nor song exist to tell of his coming. Deep below the surface of the world, in the obsidian city of Aziyog, the abyssal hordes of Vrogros the Underlord beat the drums of war. Armed by the monstrous forgemasters of his kind and well-practiced in the arts of the Dark Rift, Vrogros is able to conjure forth flame and crippling malice through the twist between worlds, destroying or enslaving all he encounters. By his command the first waves of abyssal invaders have already marched through the rift, a few doomed legions meant merely to test the might of nations above. Now, as his full force readies itself for unending conquest, the Underlord himself steps into a sunlit world to announce his coming reign.Under lord Skills
Pit of Malice
Atrophy Aura
Dark Rift
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