Libre po ang Dota 2!
Libre muduwa ug Dota 2!
To start playing Dota 2, just follow these instructions.
Upang makasimulang maglaro ng Dota 2, sundin lang po ang aming instructions.
Para makasugod ug duwa ug Dota 2, sunda lang ang instructions.
Step 1: Download Steam and install it on the computer.
Step 1: I-download ang Steam at i-install sa computer.
Step 1: I-download ang Steam ug i-install sa computer.
Step 2: After installing Steam, run the program and create a new account.
Step 2: Buksan ang Steam program at gumawa ng bagong account.
Step 2: Abliha ang Steam program ug paghimo ug account.

Step 3: Wait for the Steam account to be created.
Step 3: Maghintay mabuo ang Steam account.
Step 3: Paghuwat mahimo ang imong Steam account.

Step 4: Search for Dota 2 on the Search bar.
Step 4: Hanapin ang Dota 2 sa Search bar.
Step 4: Pangitaa ang Dota 2 sa Search bar.
Direct link to the Dota 2 Steam Page:
Step 5: Click GET DOTA 2

Step 6: Wait for your e-mail confimation. (Within 24 hours)
Step 6: Maghintay sa e-mail confirmation. (Within 24 hours)
Step 6: Paghuwat sa e-mail confimation. (Within 24 hours)

Step 6: Click Dota 2 and wait for the download to finish.

Don't forget to:
Ask your local internet cafe owners to have Dota 2 installed and updated.
Magrequest sa may-ari ng internet cafe na maginstall at magupdate ng Dota 2.
Ingna ang tigbantay sa computeran nga i-download ang updated nga Dota 2.