Valve Corporation is currently looking for Dota 2 beta testers.

To get into the Dota 2 beta, just follow these steps:
Step 1:
Create a Steam (Philippines) account.
*If you have an existing Steam account, log it in.
Step 2:
Once you have a Steam account, sign-in to the Dota 2 Beta Registration page.
*You must sign-in in order to see the Dota 2 Beta page.
Step 3:
Click on the "GET ON THE LIST" button.
Successful Dota 2 beta registrations will show this message:
Thank you. We will contact you with info about your status as we get closer to the BETA.Step 4:
Wait. Patience is the key.
Valve Corporation will contact you once you have been selected as a candidate for the Dota 2 beta.
Don't forget to join the Dota 2 Philippines Steam Community.